July 26, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — holtfamily @ 8:06 pm

Unless you’re studying to be a dentist or hygienist, it can be quite difficult to learn all the technical jargon thrown around by your Ballantyne cosmetic dentist and her staff while you’re sitting in their chair. This becomes especially true when it comes to more complicated procedures such as repairing or replacing missing teeth.

Some of the more common terms such as crown and bridge are relatively well-known by most people. However, the definition of other terminologies such as abutment and transmucosal are a tad more ambiguous.

This leaves many of us wondering what exactly a dental abutment is and how it fits into the world of dentistry.

Let’s dive in and see what we can out.

What is an Abutment?

In common language, an abutment is a load-bearing component of a structure. They can be found on the structure such as bridges and are used to hold and support the weight of the structure.

On the other hand, a dental abutment is a component of an oral appliance that holds and supports whatever type of permanent prosthetic is being applied, typically a crown or dental bridge.

In other words, an abutment is a connective piece that fits in between a dental implant and a crown or bridge.

Where are Abutments Used?

Dental implants are used as an artificial way to permanently replace a missing tooth or teeth. Although the procedure is invasive, for most people, the procedure is well worth it.

Dental implants have been shown to increase the life of nearby teeth and can even help preserve bone tissue. This is because the implant provides a solid support for nearby teeth and tissue and does not allow surrounding teeth to shift.

As great as that sounds, an implant still needs some sort of way to remain secured in place, which is precisely where an abutment is used.

The first step of installing an implant will be for your dentist to install metal anchors directly into your jawbone. Once healed, abutments can be fitted to the anchors. In turn, this allows crowns, bridges or dentures to be connected to the abutment and ultimately, to your jawbone.

In some cases, a regular crown can be used as an abutment or simply without an abutment. But, most of the time, an abutment will be used in between the anchor and the crown.

Hopefully, you will now have a better understanding of dental abutments, what they are used for and how they work.

However, if you still have any questions or concerns about dental abutments, be sure to make an appointment with your Ballantyne cosmetic dentist who will be glad to talk things over and clear up any misunderstandings that you may have. Call Holt Family Dentistry today at (704) 542-2325 to pick the best date and time for your visit.

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